This little recipe for healthy pancakes is one of my all-time favorites! Not just because it's wholesome & delicious, but also because it is super simple to make. The simplicity in this recipe also leaves room for you to be creative! The foundation of these pancakes is always the same, but any extra add-ons are all on you. Because you have the opportunity to alter your pancake eating experience, you can make it as unique & delightful as you would like! Ingredients
See those 3 ingredients? That's it! Of course you have the option to add more sugar/spices depending on your personal preferences, but these ingredients are fundamental. These particular measurements are meant to feed 2 people! If you are wanting to make less or more, adjusting the recipe is pretty easy. *SIDE NOTE* If you've never had healthy pancakes, keep in mind that these don't necessarily have the same taste or texture as other ones you may have had in the past. Keep an open mind! They may be new to your tastebuds, but also think about how well you are fueling your body!
Optional Ingredients
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.Let me start off by letting you know that my my top 2 favorite things in this world are nut butters and strawberries. With that being said, let me also let you know that both of those things are super tricky to come by for a decent price (or at all) in your average Japanese grocery store. The fact that I was even able to create this kind of recipe out here is a blessing in itself, but I am super excited to share it with everyone!
Disclaimer: this is my first post regarding my food creations and I am definitely not a chef by any means. I'm just a girl trying her best to live a healthy & balanced lifestyle... and who also happens to really LOVE FOOD. I hope you enjoy this little recipe! It's super easy to make. |